Some people think if you set the goal to big or an unrealistic goal your doing it wrong.  People think its easier to start small and hit the goal and then go a little bigger and then a little bigger.  I am telling you that is backwards🙂. 

So instead of telling you what you should do because you can learn that in my training I am going to tell you what you shouldn’t do.

Here are 5 mistakes people make with goal setting (now I can probably list 5 more of these, but I am going with 5):

  1. You don’t make them big enough – people stay motivated when something challenges us.  We grow as a person when we are challenged.  Who gets excited about realistic average goals.
  2. You are not specific enough – you have to know exactly where you are going so you can determine exactly how to get there.  Want to lose weight you have to be specific about how much weight you want to lose.  Want to get more healthy, be very specific…is it drink more water, get more sleep or make your doctor appointments.  When you make money goals you have to write down the actual amount you want to make. 
  3. You did not attach a why – knowing your deeper why is what will keep you motivated especially when things are hard.  This all comes down to your core values…these values bring meaning to your life. This is work to go through this process and we break this down in my training and break it down in all the areas of your life. 
  4. You quit to soon – this drives me crazy!!! We quit because we didn’t do the work to understand the why and the how.  If you do the work and set up the goals in all areas of your life and stretch some of them, which is so fun by the way … you wont give up because you will be reading those why’s daily and saying I better get to work.  
  5. You don’t do the inner work – change your words and we all need accountability…it all boils down to your habits. 
  6. You don’t review them throughout the year – your goals change as your life goes on.  Your life depends on you daily … well so do your goals.  This is why New Years resolutions don’t work.  Nothing worth doing is done once or twice a year.  

My training will help you set goals that light you up!

Commit to YOU!

I promise YOU are worth it!